Jacqui Noël Yoga

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Should I Take Private Yoga Lessons Or Join A Group Class?

What are the benefits of private one-on-one yoga coaching vs public group classes in a studio or gym? And which one should you do?

Whether you are a yoga beginner or an experienced yogi, there is always the option to explore private yoga instruction or joining public group classes. Both have their own set of benefits. Let’s delve into the unique characteristics of each to help you discover the perfect path towards your personal growth.

Overcoming your anxieties

Particularly for those new to yoga, taking public group classes in a studio or gym can be pretty intimidating. Some thoughts running through your head could include, What should I wear? Will I be able to follow along? Am I doing the poses correctly? In a practice that should help you relax, these anxieties could keep you on edge just enough during the whole class that you come out feeling more tense than before.

Private yoga classes addresses these fears as it provides a comfortable, safe, and pressure-free environment to learn and explore at your own pace. A private yoga teacher will tailor the class for your body and your individual needs, and break down each movement for you, ensuring you do the poses safely and correctly. With each class, your confidence and understanding will grow. If you feel like you want to join a group class, you will feel so much more empowered.

Building a connection

On the other hand, it can be invigorating to do yoga as a group. The energy generated by your fellow yogis can help pull you along. Seeing others at different stages of their yoga journey can inspire you to progress further on your own. There is also a sense of community, and you will have the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals and learn from them.

Private 1:1 yoga coaching can help you cultivate a deeper connection with yourself. The sole focus of the class is you. Whatever is on your mind, whatever is going through your body, a private yoga teacher is there to guide you, through personalised attention and a tailored practice. Private yoga can, at times, feel like a form of therapy. Loosening muscles in your body, and dislodging negative thoughts from your mind can be a cathartic experience.

Working towards your goals

The intention for each group yoga class is decided by the teacher. If you want to be able to do a headstand, for example, you may not get the chance to practice this within each class. It depends on what the teacher has planned for that day. If you just have a general objective to become more flexible, or move your body, taking group classes could be enough for you.

In a private yoga session, you have complete control over what you want to work on, whatever your goals - headstand, general flexibility, clearer mind etc. Private yoga coaching offers fast-tracked progress. Focused guidance and feedback help you achieve more in a few sessions than months, even years, of regular group classes. You can also voice your desires at any time during the relationship with your teacher. If you feel particularly low in energy on a day, you could request to have a slower practice. Or if your goals change, you can let your teacher know. A private yoga class constantly evolves and adapts to your needs and wants.

Fitting yoga into your schedule

Attending a group yoga class is subject to the schedule of that particular studio or gym. Maybe you are not free when the style or teacher you want to practice with is holding a class. You have to fit your life around the studio’s timetable, and that can be especially difficult if you do not have a regular 9 to 5 job.

Private yoga classes can fit into your busy schedule. Maybe that’s early morning before work, or during your lunch break. Maybe it’s late in the evening after the kids have gone to bed. You get to decide along with your teacher. And what’s more, you can also agree on the best place to have your yoga lessons. Often, private yoga teachers will come to your home, eliminating any need for you to commute or find a babysitter.

Deepening your practice

A group yoga class requires a single teacher to take care of multiple students. You may not always have the teacher’s attention, which does not allow for in-depth refinements on your movements.

In a private 1-on-1 yoga class, there is ample opportunity to pause to workshop a particular pose, perfect your alignment, and perhaps even explore elements of yoga that are not available in a public class, such as yoga philosophy or meditation.

Recovering from an injury or illness

It can be hard sometimes to know what poses you can and can’t do in a group class when recovering from an injury or illness. Since these classes are designed for a general level of fitness, the sequences may not always be appropriate for your condition. While the teacher may give you modifications, they will not be able to focus solely on your situation.

This is where a private yoga coach can be helpful. The teacher can get a better understanding of your specific limitations, and support your healing with the right types of movements each class. Over time, your teacher will learn more and more about you, and will be even better able to aid your progress.

Support during/after pregnancy

Practising yoga during pregnancy is incredibly valuable. However, if you are attending a generic group yoga class, you may not know which poses you should stay away from, and which poses, or even how, to modify them for your pregnancy or postpartum body. This is where prenatal and postnatal yoga classes come in. They can help support you during this precious time, as well as give you the opportunity to meet other mothers.

Finding a certified pre and/or postnatal yoga teacher to help you in a private setting can be extremely beneficial, especially in the postpartum phase as your body heals. Each pregnancy is so different, and sometimes you need that extra bit of support for what you are personally going through. A pre or postnatal yoga teacher will be trained to identify some of the most common issues found during or after pregnancy, and provide the most useful exercises for you to practice. You may also not feel up for venturing out to a studio, or not be able to find a babysitter, so meeting a teacher at your home eliminates that concern.

Should you take a private yoga lesson or join a group class?

The decision is ultimately based on your specific circumstances. Ask yourself if you have anxieties about attending public classes, do you enjoy doing exercise with other people in the room, do you have a specific goal, does your schedule fit with any studio’s offerings, are you recovering from an injury, do you have the financial means? All these questions will help you decide which classes you would enjoy and benefit from the most. You may also decide to go for both. Many students reap the benefits of both worlds, combining group classes and private instruction.